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November 06, 2001

So I was doing a "vanity" search on Google and came across this page that I had made a long time ago, and as you can see haven't touched in a long time either. For some reason, however, it still gets a few hits here and there. So, I just thought I'd say "hello" to anyone who's happened to drop by and possibly direct your attention to my current projects.

  • xgray.org - My personal homepage, Journal, and lots of other things and stuff.
  • geeksoup.org - A place where I post links to interesting things I find on the net.
  • gen-x-ray vision - This is where I post various bits of text and other things that I've written.

Thanks for dropping by, hope to see you on one of the other sites soon. -Stephen

About This Site Site Navigation
News & Updates

March 8, 1999

The powers that be here at Tripod noticed their advertising revenues slipping a bit, since my page hasn't been updated in a while, so they sent me a nice threatening reminder to be a good little tripodian and generate some traffic. That being said...

I haven't updated for a while because many changes have been going on in my life over the past few month both at work and at home. Those changes have left me with little time or desire to keep up with my many projects and activities, but don't think this is some kind of self-pity fest. No, no, no. These changes, while being stressful, are a GoodThingTM and will bare much fruit. After all the sleepness nights and urges to kill everyone have passed. ;-)

So.... I have not forgotten about this page and do intend to continue to update and expand the content here, it just may not be as soon as I'd like, but it will be.

By the way, if you are one of those lucky people not working for a pre-ipo startup and going through a divorce, then you may want to lend a hand over at the Open Directory Project. The ODP is an a directory and search site a la Yahoo with the added advantage of being run on the OpenSource model. What al that means is that YOU control the content. Volunteer editors add and review new sites and whole categories. To help out you don't need anything more than an interest in a particular subject, or just list of sites that you can't live without and want to share with others. The ODP is what is a very good example of Internet Community and one of my favorite sites on the Web.

December 13, 1998

Added a few more links to various pages around the site. I also added the Mozilla page to the Internet Apps Pod, so if you got here from there -Welcome!

December 7, 1998

Just a small update in order to add a few links (FAQs&Mozilla) and to point out the obvious by saying that I did add an About page last week as well. I'm quite busy in 'RL' at this time, so some of my major addtions my have to wait a little while, but I working on them as I get the chance. I really hope to keep the info flowing here.

...and if you have any questions or comments...well, you know the drill.

November 28, 1998

The Software page is now up and running! Currently this page will host some of my own shareware reviews with more resources and perhaps even some of my own work being added sometime, hopefully, soon.

November 22, 1998

The past couple of weeks have been very busy around here, so I'm off my sch4edule again, but I did manage to upgrade my Mac to OS 8.5 this week. In honor of that momentous event I added a Sherlock Resources page to the iCmd-f Macintosh search resources section.

November 9, 1998

Just a small update. I added a few links to the Usenet and FAQs pages.

November 5, 1998

I have made serveral updates to the site as promised. Both the FAQs and the Mozilla page have had a few more links added to them. I have also tried to improve navigation, by changing the links at the bottom of each page (except this one which still has the page summaries). I have also divided the iCmd-f page into separate pages to allow for quicker page loading. As a preview of things to come, I added the icon for the new Software page which is my next project. After I get the Software page somewhat done I'll probably start on a Linux page too.

No rest for the weary...

November 1, 1998

I have gone ahead and released a new work in progress. This new page is called FAQ Files and it contains links to (you guessed it) FAQs that can be found on the ol' www. There's not a lot to see yet, since it involves a lot of hunting through my many bookmark and note files for all my FAQ links, but look for it to grow quickly.

I am also hoping to add some new links to the Mozilla page soon and to begin work on a software page. And yes other parts of the site are overdue from some updates as well. All in good time I suppose.

As alwasys -contact me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

October 12, 1998

Well I've finally found to time to work on this project again, so I accomplised two goals this weekend. [1] I managed to convert the site over to a StyleSheet/CSS system, which those of you with 4.x browsers are likely to notice. [2] I completeted work on one of the add-on pages I've been planning. Xgray's Mozilla Links is a collection of resources for Netscape's Mozilla project. If you aren't familliar with Mozilla, then by all means check it out. It is truely the browser of tomorrow, today.

July 26, 1997

Xgray's Xmac Stuff is a re-tooling of a couple of separate Macintosh pages I have been trying to keep up with for a while now. I've put them all in one place to make it easier for me to manage and update them, but also to hopefully make them available to more Mac users as well.

This page is mainly a Table of Contents for the rest of the site, so there might not always be a lot to see here. The main sections of the site are listed below. I will be updating and adding sections as I have the opportunity.

Thanks for stopping by. -Stephen

of POD


Xgray's Xmac Stuff: This site is authored and maintained by Stephen M. Gray. If you have any questions or comments about this site, then please contact me by writing to xgray@bigfoot.com.


MacStart: Is a "Mini-Mac-Portal" designed to be used as your browser's start/home page. MacStart has a collection of links and information which Mac users will find useful on a daily basis.


MacUsenet: A resource for Mac users who want to make use of the other internet. It features a list of Macintosh related newsgroups and how to access this wealth of untapped information.


Software: Shareware reviews and other resources.


iCmd-F: Is a collection of Macinstosh related search resources for finding Mac stuff on the World Wide Web. Think of it as cmf-f for the entire Internet.


Mozilla Links: A growing collection of resource links for Netscape's Mozilla opensource project.


Faq Files:  Got questions? Find answers. This page contains links to many of the FAQ resources available on the Internet.
